Friday, January 05, 2007

the new year

january 5, 2007

as you can see from tom's photo, the wall has come down -- the wall is missing, the counter is gone, the old floor is being cut away. the mirror is down for now, but it'll get put back up.

yesterday when i came through what will be our new front door i had the strangest feeling walking across the room -- my reflexes tried to stop me from going through open space -- after 10 years of being able to move around only in certain areas, my body was unwilling to let me simply walk right through what used to be the counter or a wall -- like moving the furniture around in a blind guy's house. when you are eventually able to come in & check it out, i believe you'll be happy to see that it's really not going to be a large space at all -- it's still close & intimate. it just gives us the room to have the stuff we need to keep doing what we do. the bar is really cool, too, & so is the general feeling in the room now that you can see out all around.

in case you hadn't noticed, the weather sucks. whenever there's some sunshine & i'm down here with my camera, i'll try to get some better pictures, so you can kind of see what we're seeing.

the construction guys tell me we'll be wiring things & putting in plumbing for about a week or so,
soda-blasting away all the old paint on the bricks & pillars, working to get the old, outmoded gas setup downstairs plumbed in according to code, & then we start building up. lights get hung, counters, bars & cabinets get brought in, then some unlucky guys get to haul the new burners & grill up the stairs so we can get underway.

i still say mid-march. we've hit a couple of snags that are slowing us down, but there was one nice gain that's helping to make it up. so it goes. i'm going home to cook for my wife.



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